WNL Accounts 2013/14 |
Date |
Item |
Credit |
Debit |
Balance |
01/04/2013 |
Opening Balance |
£88.01 |
01/05/2013 |
One year hosting of Western Night League web site |
£32.00 |
£56.01 |
01/05/2013 |
Registration of westernnightleague.org.uk domain for two
years |
£25.00 |
£31.01 |
09/11/2013 |
Levy for Burrington Ham (21 @ 0.25p) |
£5.25 |
£36.26 |
16/11/2013 |
Levy for Worcester Beacon (33 @ 0.25p) |
£8.25 |
£44.51 |
23/11/2013 |
NWO Ashdown Park |
£0.00 |
£44.51 |
14/12/2013 |
Levy for Crickley Hill (36@0.25p) |
£9.00 |
£53.51 |
04/01/2014 |
Levy for Bixslade (32@0.25p) |
£8.00 |
£61.51 |
11/01/2014 |
Levy for Silk Wood (46@0.25p) |
£11.50 |
£73.01 |
25/01/2014 |
Levy for Hollybed Common (25@0.25p) |
£6.25 |
£79.26 |
01/02/2014 |
NWO Shrivenham |
£0.00 |
£79.26 |
08/02/2014 |
Levy for Cleeve Hill (28@0.25p) |
£7.00 |
£86.26 |
15/03/2014 |
BOK Moseley Green |
£7.00 |
£93.26 |
18/03/2014 |
10 Prize Mugs |
£36.00 |
£57.26 |