Welcome to the home page of the Western Night League.


Planning doc for the 25/26 season is up.

Results up for the final Crickley Hill event. A big thanks to NGOC for this event anf the pub of the night for the prize giving.

Final league tables up for the season. Rhys Manning dominated the league and the handicap. He was regularly the best runner and attended all the events which is a winning combination. It will be a long wait till next season but it looks like the Harvester may be back this year so maybe there is a chance of a night run during the summer.

The event guidelines are consistent with the BOF Insurance Policy. Backup lighting and whistles are compulsory and the organiser should actively check they are carried. Please note the latest update "Special attention should be given to newcomers to night O especially with limited day experience as well. The most critical thing is to emphasise the easier controls and the time limit. Make it clear that they should be aiming to be back a bit early for a first outing. Make it clear that if they are seriously late the organiser will start asking people not to leave so they are available to help with a search which would be started soon after everyone else has finished."

A reminder that if you have any queries about the results for an event, you should in the first instance contact the organiser to get them amended. Also it would be much appreciated if organisers would return results to Ifor Powell (ifor@iforpowell.com) using the standard template which can be found on the documents page.


Whistles are compulsory and competitors should ensure that their lighting is adequate. Organisers may require cagoules to be worn. It is strongly recommended that a mobile phone is carried and that the number is given to the organiser and the organiser's number is programmed in. Night orienteering is inherently risky, and while competitors compete at their own risk, it is expected that everyone will take all possible action to minimise these risks.

1. WNL Pub of the Night, will be announced by the Organiser on the night.
2. WNL events are a 1 Hour score format with penalties for lateness (1pt for every 6 seconds).
3. For novices, approx 25% controls will form a yellow standard course. Your wellcom to take part as a pair or group.
4. Best 5 or 6 (TBD) of the events to count for the overall final rankings.
5. Night Champs are included for information. Enter these direct if interested.
6. Start times generally Nightfall for 60-90 minutes.
7. Regular League Tables published with the results of each event.